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BUTTON YOUR LIPS HARRY Anti Stevenson Button
anti stevenson button
Harry S. Truman, our 33rd President, served most of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s term (1945-1949) and four years of his own (1949-1953), so in March 1952, feeling he had served two full terms, he announced that he would not seek re-election. He urged Adlai Stevenson to run for the office and promised him his full support. Four years later (1956), Stevenson was again a candidate for the Democratic nomination, however, this time Truman came out in support of the liberal New York Governor W. Averell Harriman. In a protest to Truman’s decision, and in hopes of silencing him, the Stevenson campaign issued this comical 2.5” red, white and black political button. Declaring “I’m for Stevenson”, this button displays a caricature of Harry Truman (with lips buttoned) and the caption “How We’d Like Harry”. Stevenson would go on to win the Democratic nomination in 1956, and by doing so, he did eventually receive Truman’s blessing and support, however, this button and its statement remain a part of political history.
Our Lowest Price: $49.50

Product Code: 507
