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The “Winterhilfswerk” (Winter Help Work of W.H.W.) was founded by the Nazi Party on September 13, 1933. It was the official Nazi Party Winter Relief Charity with a purpose of supporting the poor and hungry during the cold German winter months and at the same time creating a positive image for the party making recipients more receptive to party propaganda. According to the Nazi Party, beneficiaries in 1933-4 exceeded 16.6 million persons, or approximately 25% of the population. One of the methods of funding this program was the issuance of miniature booklets (approx. 1.5” x 2.0”), which were given to contributors as a token memento. Used from 1933-1940, these “donation gifts” explained the party’s accomplishments with some of the text taken directly from Hitler’s speeches. Complete with graphics, these booklets were holed on the back cover so that they could be hung for display. We offer this Third Reich collectible for your consideration. Year and booklet is of our choice.

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