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The 54th Presidential Inauguration
The 54th Presidential Inauguration
The presidential election of 2000 was the most controversial and bitterly contested election since the 1876 Presidential race between Rutherford Hayes and Samuel Tilden. Victory was not decided until one month after the election. The final tally scored Bush a loser in popular votes but a winner in the electoral vote count (271 to 266). Thus on January 20, 2001, it was George W. Bush taking the Presidential oath instead of Al Gore. From this inaugural celebration, we offer the official 54th Presidential Inaugural Guide Book. Comprised of 76 pages, it features the presidential and vice-presidential families and a wealth of information regarding the inaugural. This 4” x 6.5” booklet and a large 3 inch 2001 Inaugural button are priced at only:

One for $4.95
Ten different for $39.50

Our Lowest Price: $7.95

Product Code: 474

