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Vietnam Seven Flags Safe Conduct Pass
vietnam seven flags safe conduct pass
A very powerful form of propaganda, safe conduct passes have been used since biblical times. They allowed the enemy to defect with the absolute knowledge that he would be treated fairly and that his life and safety would be guaranteed. During the Vietnam War, the United States produced a series of safe conduct passes encouraging the defection of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops. We offer this scarce “Seven Flags” safe conduct pass representing the Republic of Vietnam and its allies on the obverse and a black and white picture with a printed signature of Nguyen Van Thieu, the President of the Republic of Vietnam, on the reverse. Used in the motion picture “Platoon” (1986), this “Seven Flags” safe conduct pass measures approximately 6” x 3” and is in mint condition. This historical item is usually priced at around $20.00, but due to a fortunate purchase, we can offer it for only…
Our Lowest Price: $7.95

Product Code: 806

